I was talking with another behavior analyst recently about how hard it is for some parents to connect with their kids. Problem behavior prevent them from having true bonding moments and building a real relationship.

It’s heartbreaking to see parents struggling with behaviors and only needing a break FROM their kids- not quality time WITH their kids.

It’s okay to want a break from the stress of parenting. It’s normal! But there’ve got to be some good times in there, too. There’ve got to be times of joy and appreciating your children for who they are.

If you are on the frustrated end of the spectrum, I want you to know there’s hope. I have seen so many families move from exactly where you are to a place of ease and comfort- a place of real connection.

If you are overwhelmed and your child’s behavior is making it difficult to do anything other than be a disciplinarian, I want you to know there’s hope. I have seen so many parents get out of that overwhelm and learn easier ways to manage their child’s behavior without having to be mean mommy.

If you are inundated with voices of self-doubt in your ability as a mom, I want you to know that there is hope. We can quiet those voices in our heads and even external ones that may be coming at you. I’ve done it in my own parenting and I’ve seen it for so many other moms, too.

My key point here: there is hope. Yes, even for you.

This all sounds great, but is it practical? How do we get you there? We start with teaching you some basics of behavior.

We have a ton of free information on our blog. You can sign up today for a free goal setting workshop that will help you identify your values as a mom. And the easiest path to get you to the connection, the ease, the confidence? Get on the waitlist for our new course for parents: Get Your Young Child to Listen & Other Cool Stuff- enrolling January 2020.