

A parent writes: “Dear Behavior BFF, I try to stay positive and build my child up. But instead, I find myself yelling and nagging at him constantly! I don’t think he listens to a word I say, positive or not. Help! I feel like a crazy person just talking to a brick wall. How can I be more positive AND get him to listen?!”

I’m going to tell you a little story to illustrate this one.

“Good job” parrots back my sweet daughter. But good job for what? Does she have any idea what I’m talking about?

Here’s the scene: We are at the dinner table. My 20-month-old is in her high chair, wearing a bib, her plate is on the table on her placemat, and she is eating cut up mango with a toddler fork. I tell her “Good job” and she says “Good job” back to me. Good job for what?………

I am honored to be a Contributing Writer at Behavioral Science in the 21st Century. Check out all my Behavior BFF articles on the site, as well as lots of other great reads!