

Last week I had the honor of being the speaker at my own MOPS group! MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, an international organization that you should join if you are a Mom of Littles! 

I think it’s easier to stand up in front of a room of strangers than people I know and care about- it made the stakes extra high that I really want these Moms to benefit from some strategies of ABA! Heck, I want ALL moms to benefit from using ABA! That’s why I even write this blog or my book

I was concerned about filling a whole hour of time with scintillating examples and not bore anyone with my behavior analytic definitions. Well, I had nothing to worry about! These moms asked such good questions as we went along and I felt really good about the discussion that was had!

We talked a LOT about positive reinforcement and how to use it correctly and effectively! 
The best ideas for creative reinforcers were: 
*Downloading a special song and choreographing a special mother- daughter dance that could only be done after the child successfully ate dinner
*Using scented chapstick (lip smacker type cheapo things) to rub on the back of a toddler’s hand for a special treat to sniff when having good behavior

We talked about these strategies and I’ve already heard from a few of the audience members that they’re finding success using some positive behavior supports! 
Token Economies
PreMack Principle

What strategies have you used as a mom lately?