

 If you search for behavior tips, behavior interventions, etc on the internet, you will find a jillion (that’s really big fancy number) different articles, ideas, and opinions. All things “behavior” are not created equal. In the world of behavior analysis, all things should be pretty equal if all things are based on research.

How can you know if something is actually behavior analytic?
How can you know if it is a quality ABA program?

Lucky for you- there are some really good resources out there to help that come from highly trusted sources.
1. From Dr. Mark L. Sundberg- a checklist of a quality ABA program.
ABA Program Evaluation Form


2. Behaviorbabe has a video along with several linked research documents explaining where these “30 Indicators of a Quality ABA Program“.
3. The Association or Professional Behavior Analysts recently released a white paper called “Identifying ABA Interventions.”

These are all fantastic tools to help consumers received only quality ABA services. Please use them and share them!