Do you guys remember my posts about using social stories to help my little survive being dropped off at child care? She used to cry the whole time I was gone. I got paged at the gym to come pick her up every single time we went. For months. Every. Time. It was so stressful for both of us!

We used her social story and she has it memorized. We watch the Daniel Tiger episode about “Gro-own ups come back” regularly.

Well today I got the best reinforcement for all that hard work on my part. I got to speak to an awesome group of moms about ABA at a church I had never been to before. My little girl went to their childcare. A new place, new teachers, new everything.

We talked all about ‘new big girl class’, watched that singing tiger, recited our social story, and told her she could watch Mickey Mouse on the way home if she did a good job at her class.

When I picked her up she was smiling and happy. Her teachers were complimentary. I asked them if she had a hard time because she struggles with the whole separation anxiety thing. The teacher’s response floored me. She said, “This kid. Separation anxiety? No. She had a ball! She was wonderful. She didn’t cry at all. She just played and had fun.”

I nearly cried.

ABA works you guys. It WORKS!! Positive behavior supports work. They WORK!!! I am over the moon at our major success this morning. AND bonus- I had a great time sharing some positive behavior supports with some cool moms. Win-win-win. Boom. Drop the mic.