Are you ready to stop flying by the seat of your pants, mama?

Enjoy being the parent you want to be.

Parenting with Intention Guided Workbook

Do you know the easiest way to stay stuck in a pattern of reactive parenting and exhaustion? Keep doing things in your family the same way you have in 2024. Staying busy and not pausing to make a plan or hit the rest button will get you there- to that place of mental exhaustion and mommy burnout.

The moms you see online or in the Target checkout line keeping their cool and looking much more together- they know the not-so-secret secret. Pause and make a plan first in order to become a more intentional mom. Know what you want out of your parenting styles and family expectations before the sh*t hits the fan and you’ll be able to handle more without flying off the handle. You can do this on your own or take the easier way with the Parenting with Intention Guided Workbook.

Get on the same page with your partner and feel prepared for 2025. Feel some of the pressure lift off your shoulders just by taking a beat to make a plan going forward. Creating a road map helps you feel prepared and more relaxed, less prone to big reactions over little things that leave you full of mom guilt later on.

 This fill-in-the-blank style guided workbook is all about you- your family, your values. It’s got cheat sheets to make it as quick and easy as possible to start your year on the right foot.

What are you waiting for? Download your copy today.

Goals workbook pages preview

What do moms think?

This was great thanks! Very eye-opening to what I can/ need to do as a parent!

I love having more tools in my toolkit!

It’s opened my eyes sooo much!

Parenting with Intention Goal Workbook
Parenting with Intention Goal Workbook

Easy peasy

Webster’s dictionary defines intention as a determination to act in a certain way or resolve.

And intentional is defined as done by design.

Let’s be proactive this year and do things by design!

Your Guide

Photo of Leanne Page and family

Leanne Page is a Parent Coach, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA), best-selling author of 2 parenting books, founder of the Confident Parenting Framework, wife, and mom to two littles of her own.

Using positive behavior strategies helps moms turn things around in their homes, helps kids communicate better and have more successes at school & socially, and allows moms to rest easy knowing they are doing what is proven to work.

As seen in:

Mom and daughter doing workbook together


Why is there a $17 fee?

When you pay, you pay attention.

When things are free, data shows that people don’t really participate or follow-through. If you have just a little bit of investment in it, you’re more likely to use what’s offered in this workshop and make a real difference! That’s what I want for you- a real difference!

As my good buddy (I wish!) Lin Manuel-Miranda wrote in “The Room Where it Happened” in Hamilton, “If you’ve got skin in the game, you stay in the game.”

Who is this for?

Moms of young/ elementary-aged kids who are ready to be a more mindful mama.

Moms of neurodiverse kids and neurotypical kids.

Moms who…

  • like to be organized
  • are totally unorganized
  • like goal setting
  • are overwhelmed by goal setting
  • could use a refresh
  • love to set New Year’s resolutions
  • are anti-resolutions
  • are tired
  • are burnt out
  • could use a reset
  • are ready for a little support


What all do I get for the fee?

✔️ A 20 page guided workbook

✔️ Cheat sheets to make the whole process faster & easeir for you




What do moms have to say about Parenting with ABA?

I’ve really focused on searching out positive behaviors in my kiddos. And you know what??? I’m in such a better mood this week!

I am blown away by how logical all of this is! I might come from a different perspective with an ASD son but I had difficulty embracing ABA for him and now I see how I can (and should) use it daily in all aspects of life (kids, work, etc)!

Got a very positive email from my son’s teacher!

Parenting with Intention Goal Workbook
Parenting with Intention Goal Workbook


Ask away! We are here for you!