Take this short quiz to find out just what type of parent you are! And with your quiz results- behavior tips tailored just for YOU!

You can download your very own tips guide for your type of parenting!

*Parenting types are just for fun. The tips provided with your results however are LEGIT strategies of behavior analysis that you can apply today to make a difference in your family! The science of behavior WORKS! #stickwithscience

Parents are overwhelmed with too much information coming at them. What is credible? What is nonsense? How can we tell? How do we make the right decisions for our children? These worries keep parents awake at night and cause entirely too much stress!

The trend on social media these days seems to have shifted from being the perfect Pinterest mom (or dad) to the hilariously imperfect parents whose children are completely out of control. Where is the balance? Who really wants to be either of these extremes?

Is there a solution? Yes- science.

Take the quiz today!