It’s Time For you to be the COOL MOM!
Save your sanity with legit behavior tools.
Save your time by letting us do the hard work for you.
How would it feel to have control of your home and have the time & energy to enjoy your kids?
Parenting is HARDer than ever.
Find the real “trick” to getting your kids to listen to you.
Help for the mom facing virtual school or distance learning.
Help for the mom whose kids are back at school.
Help for the mom who is overwhelmed & exhausted.
Help for the mom who has too much on her plate.
Help for the mom who is OVER. IT. ALL.
Help for YOU!
A parenting and coaching program just for YOU!

When you spend your days putting out fires and managing problem behaviors, it can make you question everything about your parenting and yourself. You wonder if you can keep doing this. Every. Single. Day.
The CPF is a parent course & coaching program that saves parents’ sanity. It’s helped so many moms stop questioning themselves and helped them to do better than just survive each day.
Answers to all these and MORE!
If you’ve ever wondered these things….you are clearly not alone!
Find out how to get your kid to ______________.
Are you ready for your child to listen, obey, or follow directions?
You are in the right place!
Interrupt the pattern.
Change parenting habits that aren’t working.
How? With parent coaching, encouragement, support, & problem-solving.
So many of our Confident Parents Crew have made progress on their own “how do I get my child to…” including things like:
- getting siblings to work together and even choose to do activities together instead of arguing
- trying new foods
- brushing teeth
- getting ready for school and out the door on time
- following instructions without a battle
- toileting/ potty training
- asking nicely for things
- using appropriate voice tone and volume
- getting their child more engaged
- doing chores sometimes even without being asked
- going to bed without a struggle
- have better attitudes
And the list goes on of the successes our members’ kids have experienced! If you want to know “how do I get my child to….” do anything of those just listed or whatever you need to work on in your home- we’ve got you covered. Today is your lucky day.
Join the CPF now and learn “how to get my kid to….”!!
What are people saying about the Confident Parenting Framework?

Find some calm in a crazy time.
Parenting is a journey. Let us take you down our Cool Mom Map to help you become cool, calm & collected! Learn simple tools. Apply them to your own family. Do things your own way. Make it work FOR you!

Decrease confusion
Use simple strategies of behavior analysis to get EVERYONE in your family on the same page. What page is that? The one where we communicate effectively and get to know each other even better.
Increase Connection with Your Kids
Spend less time on “discipline” by learning how to build up desired behaviors. Free up your time to ENJOY parenting again!

Start on the path to COOL MOM status!
Lots of great ideas that are more than just “tricks.” These strategies are based on the science of behavior.
It is so practical and gives step by step instructions to help you with various parenting struggles. It is scientifically proven and will give you a fresh perspective with any current child rearing dilemmas.
Great information for moms! The examples are very helpful in explaining the topics covered.
What’s inside the Confident Parenting Framework Program exactly?
Bi-weekly modules
Video lessons that are approximately 30 minutes long to fit busy parents’ schedules
Tip Sheets
Practical tips to help you get more from each module. Extra resources, too!
To-do lists
Short & sweet to do lists to actually DO what you’re learning about. See progress each week in your kids’ behavior!
Share your wins and your struggles. Ask questions and brainstorm with like-minded parents. Find your tribe here!
Personalized for you
Ask questions and get answers specific to your needs. Q&A video sessions where the only agenda is whatever you want to ask about! Let’s meet YOUR needs right away!
Find treasures throughout the modules- ebooks, downloads, live videos, & more!
Prior to my joining the “Crew” my family was in TROUBLE. My husband and I were feeling hopeless and clearly what we were doing (punishment, nagging, taking away privileges) wasn’t working. So I signed up for CPF and my husband and I began watching the videos together. We would watch a video and then talk about how we could put that concept into action in our own family. We immediately (and I men immediately) saw a change in our family. When we began to think about the function of our children’s behavior and respond (or not respond) accordingly everything changed.
In addition to the modules, I am so grateful for the Facebook community. In a world that sometimes feels like people are just waiting to judge you and your parenting choices, this supportive environment is so appreciated. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been navigating a new “yuck” behavior, and I’ve posted on the Facebook group and received strategies I could immediately put into place!
Using the principles of ABA has entirely changed the way I parent my children! Highly recommend joining the CPF!
Are you a good fit for the Confident Parents Crew?
Are you a mom who:
- Is so over the regular tantrums, meltdowns, or power struggles?
- Doesn’t want to feel alone in the behavior struggle?
- Has tried to move heaven & earth to help your child?
- Feels like the discipline tools your friends & neighbors use aren’t a good fit for your family?
- Is ready to try a new behavior strategy?
- Wants to turn things positive in your home?
The Confident Parenting Framework is for YOU!

Who is your fearless leader on this journey?
I’m Leanne Page, mom, parent coach, author, and BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst). I have found my calling in serving as a teacher and guide to parents who are ready to find confidence by standing on the firm foundation of science. After many years providing direct ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) services, and as a special education teacher, I love my role now as Parent Coach. I’m here to guide you as you take your own journey, in your own way, for your own family.
I’m in the trenches of parenting with you as I have a first grader and a preschooler. I also rely on my years in the direct service world of behavior analysis and the families I’ve seen this great behavioral science make a real difference for! I am in it with you- using these strategies every day in my own life and sharing the ups & downs- same as every parent!
Why should I be your teacher? Not because I’m a perfect parent. Not because I’m a parenting expert. But because I KNOW the science of behavior and I can share it with you in a simple to follow, easy to implement, user-friendly manner. I CAN make things easier for parents- so that is my mission with the Confident Parenting Framework!
As seen in:

And that’s not all!
Learn from some amazing behavior analyst parent Guest Experts throughout the modules!
Incredible guest experts who share with the CPF:
Sasha Long, BCBA from The Autism Helper
AJ Rodrigue, BCBA from The Behavior Momma
Tameika Meadows, BCBA from The I Love ABA Blog
Rose Griffin, SLP-BCBA from ABASpeech
Amelia Bowler, BCBA from Creative Connected Parenting
Brianna Kauer, BCBA from Create Behavior Solutions
Kristen MacNeil, BCBA, Psychologist from The Gentle Parenting Institute
Gemma Gilmour, BCaBA from Keys for Learning
Kristen Evans, BCBA from The Data Mom
Courtney Bilton, BCBA from Bilton Behaviour
Christina Conner, BCBA from Paradigm Behavior
Shira Karpel, BCBA & Shayna Gaunt, BCBA from How to ABA
Liz Willis, SLP-BCBA from Communication and Behavior Solutions
For all those times you’ve wished this Mom job was easier
It has made me very aware of how I approach behavior and really allowing me to self reflect. I’m really working on changing my own approaches.
We’re hitting a groove of focusing on good behaviors instead of nagging about yuck ones. It’s also nice to have a place where I can vent and ask for advice.
I love having more tools and my toolkit and really appreciate the weekly emails and this group. They’re great reminders to keep me “on task” and intentional about how I interact with my kids.
What’s the financial investment to see this kind of progress??
Monthly Option
CPF monthly membership- Two new modules each month
- Private Crew Facebook Community
- Video lessons
- Tip Sheets, downloads, & bonuses!
- 2 months free
Annual Option
CPF Annual Membership- Two new modules each month
- Private Crew Facebook Community
- Video lessons
- Tip Sheets, downloads, & bonuses!
- 2 months free!

All new class from Dr. Gena Lester!
I’m sure you’ve heard before, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” But how the heck are we supposed to fill our cups when we have to do ALL THE THINGS? Dr. Gena Lester is going to share tips and tools for us tired moms from her career in counseling and as a mom herself!
Learn more about Dr. Gena here: Education Prep Centers
Bedtime Strategies ebook for you!
If you’re struggling with getting your kids to go to bed without a struggle and you’re exhausted from trying ALL THE THINGS, this bonus will give you the clarity you’re after so you can finally stop the bedtime battles. For good. You’ll get access to this as soon as you complete your registration.

Hear from one of our CPF members:
The mission of Parenting with ABA is to save parents’ sanity through the use of behavior science. If you are not making real progress in your family and having successes, we are not doing our job.
All of these resources, tools, and community cost only $39/month with no commitment.
If you are not satisfied, you can email for a refund within the first 30 days of the membership. After that, you can cancel at any time- no penalty to you!
What’ve you got to lose?