5 Days to a Meaningful Holiday Season
5 Day Challenge for Moms
If your to-do list is longer than a CVS receipt, it’s time to pause and decide what YOU want this holiday season to mean to you and your family.
If you are chasing an Instagram worthy holiday season of perfection, it’s time to consider what you really want this holiday season to be about in your home.
If you are feeling drained just thinking about the holiday season, it’s time to make a change.
Via email & a private website, learn simple behavior tools and then apply them immediately in your home!
A challenge is not all about learning- it’s about doing and seeing real results!

Ease the holiday stress
We only get this holiday season with our kids the exact ages once- right now. When we look back at the photos from the holidays of 2023, what do we want to see? Mom with extra bags under her eyes and everyone with a strained smile? Or do we want to remember a season of creating fun memories with our families?
Make this holiday season one worth remembering
Join the Meaningful Holidays Challenge today!
If on a cell phone turn sideways/ horizontal for the form to work best. 🙂

Why is there a $15 fee?
When things are free, data shows that people don’t really participate or follow-through. This challenge is about making things happen. If you have just a little bit of investment in it, you’re more likely to use what’s offered in this challenge and see real change! That’s what I want for you- a real change in how the holiday season looks this year!
As my good buddy (I wish!) Lin Manuel-Miranda wrote in “The Room Where it Happened” in Hamilton, “If you’ve got skin in the game, you stay in the game.”
Who is this for?
Moms who are over the drama of extra holiday pressure
What all do I get for the $15?
Video lessons in the private website, lots of printables, & maybe some extra bonuses along the way. 🙂
Meaningful Memories
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the holiday and telling moms to make it more meaningful seems like one more thing to add to your over-filled plate, doesn’t it? What if I told you it doesn’t have to be an extra chore? Instead, let’s be smart about setting our families up for success this holiday season.
What does that mean? How about we set clear expectations for what is going to happen? How about we sit down together as a family each week and have a fun and productive family meeting that can address any overwhelm and find out what is important to each family member? What if we can do that quickly? What if we can infuse gratitude into our daily lives so that Thanksgiving is actually about thanks?
The holidays are supposed to be a season of thanks, joy, and family togetherness. Unfortunately, this time of year often turns into mom stress overload. We can do better for ourselves and for our families, mamas. We can do better without working harder.
There IS an easier way!
Your Guide

Leanne Page is a Parent Coach, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), best-selling author, founder of the Confident Parenting Framework, wife, and mom to two littles of her own.
Leanne has worked with children for over 13 years- as a special education teacher, ABA center manager, BCBA, and now as a Parent Coach.
Because all moms deserve to know the best, Parenting with ABA makes the science of behavior analysis accessible and easy to use. Behavior science has been proven with really hard cases and it works just as well for those of us who need help managing behaviors in our homes- moms of littles!
Using positive behavior strategies helps mom turn things around in their homes, helps kids communicate better and have more successes at school & socially, and allows moms to rest easy knowing they are doing what is proven to work.
As seen in:

What do moms say about working with Parenting with ABA?

Make this holiday season one worth remembering
Join the Meaningful Holidays Challenge today!
If on a cell phone turn sideways/ horizontal for the form to work best. 🙂