Do you know the easiest way to stay stuck in a pattern of reactive parenting and exhaustion? Keep doing things in your family the same way you have been in 2022. Staying busy and not pausing to make a plan or hit the rest button will get you “there” – to that place of mental exhaustion and mommy burnout.

The moms you see online or in the Target checkout line keeping their cool and looking much more together- they know the not-so-secret secret. Pause and make a plan first in order to become a more intentional mom. Know what you want out of your parenting styles and family expectations before the sh*t hits the fan and you’ll be able to handle more without flying off the handle. You can do this on your own, or take the easier way with the Parenting with Intention Guided Workbook.


Get on the same page with your partner and feel prepared for 2023. Feel some of the pressure lift off your shoulders just by taking a beat to make a plan going forward. Creating a road map helps you feel directed and more relaxed, less prone to big reactions over little things that leave you full of mom guilt later on.  Being able to identify and then communicate your vision and steps for moving forward as a family in the new year will pay off big time!  The Parenting with Intention Guided Workbook will give you the guidance to reflect, identify personal values and goals for your family, and create an intentional plan to be prepared and in the right direction for the new year.
Get “un-stuck” in 2023.  Get out of the rut or reactive parenting, stop flying by the seat of your pants, dial down the stress and feeling less than your best.  Have INTENTIONS for the new year – acknowledge where you want to be, have clear actions for moving forward, be more authentic as yourself and present in your parenting.  Give yourself some grace and promote peace within your day to day role as mom and facilitator of all the things for your family. Make this happen with The Parenting with Intention Guided Workbook.
This fill in the blank style guided workbook is all about you- your family, your values. It’s got cheat sheets to make it as quick and easy as possible to get your year started off on the right foot. It’s not about adding to your busy schedule or creating a “new you,” it’s about honoring your intentions and your commitment to yourself to make the most of your positive parenting journey in the new year.

What are you waiting for? Download your copy today.

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