
September 06th, 2013

“Noise becomes data when it has a cognitive pattern. Data becomes information when assembled into a coherent whole, which can be related to other information. Information becomes knowledge when integrated with other information in a form useful for making...

Professional Goal Setting

I work with chidlren, adolescents, and teenagers every day. We work on goal setting in so many formats- Precision Teaching Aims to earn a token reinforcer, goals for what to accomplish in one class period, and goals for the entire first quarter of school. Coming up...


There is a research base in Behavior Analysis literature supporting goal-setting. Students (and practitioners, parents, community members) can set SMART goals and track progress toward each goal.A SMART goal is: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and...

I feel old

At the start of each school year, Beloit College releases ‘The Mindset List’ about their incoming college freshman class. I think it’s important for practitioners to stay current on this because it either sheds light on the perspectives of our...