
Free Data Sheet Templates

I haven’t even been seeking out free resources, but keep stumbling upon things that I think are worth sharing with the world.A few free data collection sheets: http://www.autismbehaviorbox.com/tools/?goback=%2Egde_4258469_member_273870027#%21The Reinforcer...

I heart BF

A few famous lines from the founding father of Behavior Analysis, B.F. Skinner:”Give me a child and I’ll shape him into anything.””Education is what survives when learning has been forgotten.””If you’re old, don’t try to...

Free Association Cards

More free stuff? Yes, please.For learning “What goes together?”: http://www.makinglearningfun.com/themepages/GoTogether-2-cards.htmThese cards are great for training intraverbals. You can buy cute sets, make your own, or use something like these free ones...

Free visual Cues

This website offers free downloads in both pdf and Boardmaker format for various visual cues, including task analyses of common daily routines.Check it out, it’s free!http://www.setbc.org/pictureset/SubCategory.aspx?id=9