by Leanne Page | Sep 28, 2020 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement, Teaching Tools
Can giving your child more specific praise help prevent problems and save your sanity? It CAN! What?! Just shifting our perspective to catch our kids being good and then telling our kids what they are doing well can make a HUGE difference with just a little bit of...
by Leanne Page | Jul 28, 2020 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
What is kindness? What does it mean to be kind to others? Do you know what it says in the dictionary about kindness? The state or quality of being kind. What does being kind mean then? Being considerate, helpful, or benevolent. What does benevolent mean? Desiring...
by Leanne Page | Jul 1, 2020 | About ABA, Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
I was honored to be featured as a guest on BehaviorFlow’s Expert Minute Series. It’s seriously under a minute! Do y’all even realize how hard it is to keep my answer that short?! Be sure to follow BehaviorFlow on Instagram:...
by Leanne Page | Jun 28, 2020 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement, Teaching Tools
This article by Leanne Page, BCBA was originally published at ABADesk. Face masks have quickly become an everyday part of life. Depending on where you live, they are either strongly encouraged or required by law. Face masks aren’t the most comfortable things and take...
by Leanne Page | Jun 17, 2020 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
Who is in charge in your home? The kids or the parents? There’s a cute meme about I live in a house run by tiny dictators that I created myself. The first time I saw it, I laughed. Then I thought about it. Man, that’s true for so many people, isn’t it? Parents spend...
by Leanne Page | May 14, 2020 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement, Teaching Tools
When we set a goal for our kids, we don’t start by reaching for the moon. You know that old saying, “Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” That sounds lovely but if we want to go from Earth to the moon all in one hop, we’ll find that...
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