by Leanne Page | May 5, 2021 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
Do we always need a big behavior plan and positive reinforcement system to turn things positive in our homes? Not always. We walk to pick up my first-grader from school each day. I enjoy the movement, the fresh air, and the fun walk home with all the neighbors. One...
by Leanne Page | Apr 14, 2021 | About ABA, Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
Job burnout and parental burnout are different. They affect us differently and we need to consider that when selecting behavior tools to prevent parental burnout. Learn the difference at these classes happening this month. Check out the one that’s for you at the link...
by Leanne Page | Mar 24, 2021 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
Clean up your room! Why is it so hard for our kids to do this? We just want you to clean up your room. That’s it, kids! It’s not that hard! I was working with an amazing mom during a parent coaching session. She was stressed and exhausted- you know, like most moms...
by Leanne Page | Mar 9, 2021 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
Why are mornings so hard? Getting everyone up, dressed, fed, and out the door on time is so super stressful for us moms! It’s no uncommon to be out of patience by 7:30am and completely exhausted by 7:45. How are we supposed to start our full days when this is the way...
by Leanne Page | Feb 18, 2021 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
What is mom’s role in sibling relationships? How can we promote teamwork or playing together without always dictating the situation? You want your kids to play together- without fighting. You want your kids to hang out together- without you requiring it. You want them...
by Leanne Page | Jan 23, 2021 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement, Problem Behavior
Sometimes we need structured positive behavior systems. Sometimes we just need to reconnect. Behavior tools are awesome. Use them when you NEED them! Mom's Listening Guide Answers to the biggest struggles when it comes to getting your kids to listen.Practical...
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