by Leanne Page | Jul 16, 2017 | Positive Reinforcement
The Premack Principle is so very easy to implement and can make a big difference for your parenting! First __(do desired behavior)__, then __(get reinforced)__. Read all about it here & here.
by Leanne Page | Jul 7, 2017 | Positive Reinforcement
Watch this short video and read the bSci21 article all about behavior specific praise, then put it to use in your own life! It’s so quick and easy but can have big effects! /
by Leanne Page | Jul 3, 2017 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
“I’ve told you a hundred times!” How many times have we heard a parent say this? A hundred? Probably. My response: “Then stop telling them!” In order for your child’s behavior to change, you must first change yours. Set your child up for success not by nagging them...
by Leanne Page | May 21, 2017 | Parenting in General, Positive Reinforcement
Picture this. It’s 3 am. In a dark room. The sound of the ocean is all you hear. You rock back and forth. Back and forth.That’s where I found myself a few nights ago. Only it wasn’t really the ocean- it was a sound machine. And I was rocking my infant who went from...
by Leanne Page | Mar 26, 2017 | About ABA, Positive Reinforcement
A little while back I checked on my book on amazon. I like to check in on it every once in a while and see how it’s doing. Well this time I had another review! To date, my reviews had been almost all 5 stars, with one 4 star. So checking reviews had historically been...
by Leanne Page | Aug 24, 2016 | Positive Reinforcement
I’m happy to welcome Beth from Behaviour Babble for a guest post on reinforcement! Read more about Beth below the post and be sure to check out her website and Facebook page! Image courtesy of Imagine this. You are going about your evening...
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