by Leanne Page | Sep 25, 2023 | Parenting in General
How often do you scroll social media and see “perfect” moms? What makes a “perfect” Instagram mom? Her hair is done; her house is clean. She’s smiling and her kids are having fun. Mom & kids are hugging or doing a fun activity together. She cooks every...
by Leanne Page | Sep 20, 2023 | Parenting in General
Compassion = empathy + action As moms, we all want to be compassionate to our children, right? We want our kids to describe us 20 years from now in this way: “My mom was always there for me. She was kind and compassionate. She listened and helped me out.” But in the...
by Leanne Page | Sep 18, 2023 | Parenting in General
Compassion means seeing the difficulty someone else is having and having an authentic desire to make it better. It’s empathy combined with action. The first step is seeing through someone else’s eyes- what are they seeing? What are they dealing with? Then it’s wanting...
by Leanne Page | Sep 4, 2023 | Parenting in General
Back to school time is here! Either you’re a few weeks in or just starting with the new routine. Either way, you’re still in a transition period with your kids as you get used to fall schedules for school and extra-curriculars. Last week I shared behavior tools for...
by Leanne Page | Aug 28, 2023 | Parenting in General, Teaching Tools
Back to school time is back- ready or not. This time of year can bring happy, nostalgic memories for those of us who love school supplies. Do you remember the line in You’ve Got Mail where Tom Hanks messages Meg Ryan saying, “I would send you a bouquet of newly...
by Leanne Page | Aug 14, 2023 | About ABA, Parenting in General, Teaching Tools
When behavior analysts speak, sometimes it sounds like a foreign language. ABA jargon exists for a reason as it help us to live up to some of our 7 dimensions of the science like analytic, technological, and conceptually systematic practice. But if you aren’t a...
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