The Bx Mom Collective

Resources for Behavior Moms

Parenting with ACT: Weekly Workbook Exercises

by | Aug 10, 2023

7.17.23 – Values Workbook

8.7.23 – Attunement

8.21.23 – Self Kindness

9.4.23 – What do you want your life as a Bx Mom to actually be about? What would you choose if you could? (spoiler alert- you CAN!)

Values Writing

9.11.23 – You’ve spent a little time thinking about values (again- I know!) Now let’s DO something with these values.

Flavor and Savor

9.18.23 – Let’s look a bit at the word willingness this week. What does that mean? What are we willing to do/ try/ feel/ endure/ experience in order to live our values?


10.2.23 – This excercise has been powerful for so many moms. Notice Your Hand exercise- adapted from Russ Harris- takes few a minutes. Set aside that time and REALLY do it.


10.9.23 -One of the pillars, or core processes, of Acceptance & Commitment Training is Present Moment Awareness. Being present is also known as mindfulness. This means being fully in touch with the present moment without judgment or interference. Check out this week’s download for help with this so you can truly enjoy time with your kids and try to get out of your head for a bit. STUCK IN YOUR HEAD OR IN THE HERE & NOW?

10.16.23 – When you are worrying, your mind is either in the future (worrying about all the possibilities that could happen) or your mind is stuck in the past (thinking about things that have already happened).

If we are in the present moment, engaged in the here and now, then our minds aren’t worrying or ruminating about things. That sounds nice, doesn’t it?

11.20.23 – Gratitude Practice

12.4.23 – Avoidance Loops

12.11.23 – The Power of a Hug

1.1.24 – Try Softer Practice. As the world tells you to try harder in 2024, I encourage you to try softer. Trying softer means leaning into compassion. 

Submit your questions or sticky situations you'd like help brainstorming here!

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