Parenting with ABA Blog
Find a ton of fun and free resources for all parents to harness the power of behavior science to save your sanity!
Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First
Put on your own oxygen mask first. This is important for your own self-care as a mom. When you hear that, what feelings come up for you? Does it make you roll your eyes like, “Who has time for that?” Or are you thinking, “What does that even mean?” For our purposes...
Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Over it. Burnt out.
Have you heard of the term Parental Burnout? It’s a very real ting that is actually different from job burnout. Job burnout typically has 3 components: A state of emotional and physical exhaustion A detached attitude towards work A decreased sense of accomplishment If...
Losing Your Cool, Mom?
You peek into the kitchen around 5pm- Anywheresville, USA. Mom is trying to make dinner. Child #1 is asking Mom the same question over and over and over. Mom answers it patiently over and over and over. Child #2 starts helping their self to a snack. Opening the...
What would happen if you flipped your parenting perspective? No more whack-a-mole!
When your child is doing something that is driving you crazy and/or causing problems in your home- what is your first reaction? What is that knee jerk parenting reaction we all have. SHUT. IT. DOWN. Make it stop. Find a way to put an end to this problem behavior....
Are you a flexible parent? Do you want to be one?
“Flexible parenting is about approaching parenting with an open mind and creativity. It is about taking a flexible, experimental approach to parenting- an approach of discovering what works for you and for your child.” (Whittingham & Coyne, 2019) It’s all about...
Stop Should-ing on Yourself
Stop should-ing on yourself. I should have planned better. I should have known my child would need something different. I should have said no to that. I should have said yes to that. I should have used positive parenting strategies. I should have used gentle parenting...
Sibling Battles
Long summer days can mean one of two things if you have more than one child: 1) they are getting along but making a huge mess, or 2) they are fighting like cats & dogs. Sibling battles are as old as time itself- just look at the Bible or ancient Greek writings....
How to teach your child an important safety skill- your phone number
Does your child know your phone number? All 10 digits of your cell number? This is one of the most important safety skills we can teach our kids yet I am shocked at how few kids know their parents’ number or how to dial a phone. In this day and age, our kids aren’t...
Are you ready to flavor and savor your day? You get to choose what matters!
Do you know what your values are? I’m not talking about the politicized phrase of “family values”. I’m talking about the core traits you want your life to be about. What kind of person do you choose to be? What do you choose to be most meaningful to you and your...
Are you ready for summer? Don’t plan FOR your kids. Plan WITH them!
Summer is here! Or it’s almost here! It’s so exciting! But wait- what am I supposed to do with these kids all summer long? How will I keep them entertained and keep the peace? If you are staring down some long days, weeks, or MONTHS of summer with your kids and...
What type of parent are you?
Try our just for fun parenting type quiz and get legit behavior tips individualized just for you!