As parents we start out summer with grand intentions: bucket lists, travel plans, weekly and daily schedules that include a balance of education, free time, and fun. But where do you stand now with all that?

Here in Texas, we are halfway through summer break already. Bucket lists that aren’t getting checked off fast enough are disappearing from bulletin boards and family command centers. Schedules are sliding and getting forgotten altogether. It’s HOT outside and finding ways to stay entertained indoors is getting increasingly difficult. Screen time is becoming more of a feature in your life that you had planned back in May. 

Is this what things are starting to look like in your home? Are you counting down the days til school starts again? 

With all the fun and travel and road trips of summer comes exhaustion- physical, emotional, and mental. It’s a lot of work to be the cruise director for your family and still hold it together to be the emotional rock for tired little people who are outside their normal environments. 

How about we finish summer the way we started it- STRONG! Let’s turn things positive in our parenting together- the easiest way I know how!

Starting July 16- the Praise What You Prize Challenge offers mini-lessons in your email inbox daily as well as videos and Q&As in our facebook group