This past week and as we head into the holiday season, it has been all about turkeys here in the US. I mean green bean casserole. It was all about the casserole. I mean giving thanks! It’s about being thankful! Whenever I talk about burnout, you hear me talking about...
Do your holiday traditions align with your family values? The holidays should be about joy and magic for our kids. What if we flipped the script and instead of using threats such as: “Santa’s watching…” and “You’d better not cry…,” we send a more positive and...
When you think of all the chaos of your next big holiday event or family gathering, what worries jump to your mind? What are those worst case scenarios your brain is playing for you? Sometimes all the schedule and routine changes can be hard for our kids. Later...
The holiday season is upon us once again. When you think of all the things that need to happen between now and January 2nd, does your heart start to pound a little? Mine does. We only get this holiday season with our kids the exact ages once-right now. When we...
When our kids have the big feelings and big reactions, how do we help them calm back down? Deep breathing? Yoga poses? Quiet calming corner? Yes and no. Every single one of us has our own preferred method of emotional regulation. What helps you to calm your fired up...
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