Hashtag dream big, mama

Hashtag dream big, mama

Did you know the hashtag #dreambig has over 14 million posts on Instagram? #liveyourbestlife has 3.8 million posts #familygoals has 8.3 million posts These numbers tell us what we already know- we want to be the best version of ourselves as moms. We want to live our...
Why is goal setting so hard?

Why is goal setting so hard?

Why does setting goals for yourself seem so hard? Is it the lack of time set aside for yourself? Is it not knowing where to start? Is it all just too overwhelming? I hear you. That’s why I created the Parenting with Intention Workshop. This is a 7 day workshop with a...
Clarify your values

Clarify your values

If I ask you right now to name your family values, can you do it? Do you have a clear, quick answer? I think the term “family values” is vague and has taken on too many roles. Things like our personal values should not become politicized. When I talk about family...